Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tutorial: Hooking raw wool into your Rugs

This is Gentle Gracie in the Pumpkin Patch, I am using Gracie's washed wool from this springs shearing,I Use clean Raw wool instead of processed roving as the crimp in the wool helps give it that curly look,I use pieces a little thicker than a pencil
It is pulled through just like regular rug hooking , I go against the norm on these, I hook all around my sheep first including any background.
You want to space it much farther than you would with strips because when you clip it , it will fan out,

I pull loops up at least double the height of the loops for regular wool depending on how long you want the Staple to look on your sheep for example Stormy's Rug in my last post I pulled quite high as Stormy has very long staple to her wool and the lamb is pulled shorter.
For Gracie I wanted hers a medium, because of the Pumpkins.

When you come to the end you trim the ends even with your loops

Then each loop is to be cut down the center and finger fluffed I do this as I go to make sure I am not making it too bunched up

When you are finished you can take your scissors and lightly trim and shape around the edges

Thank You to my Darling Hubby Ken for the great pictures

Double M's Banner Rug " Stormy and baby Jackson"

Finally Finished Sweet Stormy and baby Jackson or as Hubby calls it "A Mothers Love"( Baby Jackson is one of stormy's boys we decided to keep I couldn't let them both go) Banner Rug Stormy and Baby Jackson were Drawn by my Hubby ,Flowers and Border drawn by me, allHooked by me, I think hubby and I make a great team, check back for a tutorial using raw wool for sheep , with my new rug Gentle Gracie in the pumpkin patch,I love to make Rugs of my very Special sheep using their own wool to remember them by for years to come, As Sheira the Matriarch gets older I am more and more glad that I made her rug, on the back label I added some things about her character that makes her so special.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ten Commandments of a responsible pet owner

I created this blog for Wool and Rug Hooking but my love of Animal's is as deep as my Love of Wool and Rug Hooking as I watch my babies and realize how different their lives could be The sheep are on Green Pastures with shelter and love, the chickens are able to run around the fields all day, the ducks have ponds to swim in,the Peacock who just decided to come live with us has shelter , and love, the Kitty's lounge in the windows and are not allowed to run all over the streets All have Plenty to eat & drink, more than adequate shelter,lots of Love, Vaccines, and vet care
" Bau" was my first Rescue baby he was left by the side of the road at around 3 weeks of age with his other Cocker Spaniel siblings in a box.

After loosing my Precious 19 year old "Bau" in Dec 06

We decided it time in February 06 to rescue another, the rescue was passing this out and it sits on my refrigerator to this day,as I think it applies to all animals in ones care.


  1. . My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years. Any seperation from you will be very painful.

  2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.

  3. Place your trust in me- it is crucial for my well-being.

  4. Don't be angry with me for long, and don't lock me up for my punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment. I have only you!

  5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice when it's speaking to me.

  6. Be aware that however you treat me, I'll NEVER forget it.

  7. Before you hit me, remember that I have teeth that could easily crush the bones in your hand, but I choose not to bite you.

  8. Before you scold be for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I've been out in the sun too long, or my heart may be getting old and weak.

  9. Take care of me when I get old. You, too, will grow old.

  10. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say, "I can't bear to watch it" or, "Let it happen on my absence." Everything is easier for ME if you are there. Remember, I love you.

Author Unknown

I am happy to say we adopted three other Darlings over the past few years and all within just a short time of having their life ended

Leyla, Lugger and LouLou

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Shepherds greatest tool

The Shepherd or Shepherdess greatest tool is a good Matriarch Ewe regardless of breed , Shiera is a Dorper and my Matriarch Ewe, she is not part of my breeding stock of Shetlands and Baby doll Southdowns, but her value is far beyond that ,She is a Smart Gentle Leader and a Follower , I watch Sheira with admiration as she leads the Flock out of danger if I am unable to get to them fast enough, I count on her to alert me when there is a problem , One night while asleep I heard Sheira outside my bedroom window baaing loudly , My first thought was that I had left the gate open , but just in case hubby and I grabbed our guns and ran out to see what was going on, There to our sheer panic were several Coyotes attacking our chicken pen, by the barn, Sheira had busted through the gate and lead the other sheep and lambs to safety, when all was over She followed me back to the barn with the other Sheep and lambs following her, this would not be the last time that it happenend, She knows she can bust through the gate , but does not unless there is danger. I can lead the flock anywhere I need to, as Sheira follows me and they follow her, for this she will always have my love and admiration.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easy Hand Dying Wool Tutorial _Sun Jar Method

Easy No Hassle Dye Method Using a Jar and the Sun

For all You Busy Busy Ladies (or Men) who do not have time to stand over a hot Stove all day,this Method also saves Energy and lots of time.
Using a Large Glass Jar Fill Half Water and add a 1/4 cup of Vinegar

Mix in Dye for this demonstration I used 1/4 tsp of Jaquard Chestnut,but you can use Koolaid, Tea,or the left over Coffee from your Coffe Pot

Stuff the Wool in and stir ( I did Not presoak Wool) place the lid on the Jar and Set it outside where the Sun will shine on it all day

Bring it in and let it cool , Rinse and throw it in the dryer for a good felting

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Replacement Lamb Formula with grocerey store milk

Old Recipe using Store bought milk. I Have raised Many a bottle Lambs with this and never had scour problems with my lambs . This is Max, Morgan, Molly

Half Gallon of Whole Milk
1 quart Butter Milk
1 Can Pet canned milk

Mix em all up together and you ready to go, I add powdered Colostrum for the first week, Prichard Nipples, and a 20 ounce empty Plastic Coke Bottle rinsed well

Friday, March 20, 2009

Stormy gives birth Twin Ram Lambs

It is no secret to those who know me Stormy is my Favorite EWE daughter to my beloved 18 yr old Ewe Hyacinth who has since passed on. Stormy has the gentlest temperament and always sweet with any of the lambs. Last night at around 10 O'clock,last check on the sheep before winding down for the night, half way to the barn I hear Stormy crying to all heaven,I raced to the barn and there my darling Stormy was in labor, Some ewes give early warning signs but not my Storm, The first lamb needed assistance,the second came with no problems, Both Boys I was so hopping for a girl to keep, Heres Mamma and babies hours old.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Memorial Rug for MOM

28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
I made this Hand Hooked Rug To Honor my Mother shortly after her death in 07, Somehow It helped to heal my shattered Heart.Today would have been Mom's 61 st Birthday, Imiss her very MUCH. The rug Was designed by my sweet Hubby and I used My Hand dyed Wool